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Take Your Sleep Inventory

Do you or a loved one have a hidden airway problem that could affect present

and future health, learning, performance, and quality of life? Find out if you are

at risk with the free screening survey offered by the Foundation for Airway Health.

Are You At Risk for a Sleep Disorder?

A compromised airway can substantially affect the quality of sleep. In turn, sleep

disturbances can be an indication of a compromised airway or other sleep disorders.

Take the first step to find out. Complete this short survey to learn if you are at risk and

be on your way to solving sleep problems that could be seriously impairing your or

your child's health, cognitive functioning, learning, behaviors, and/or jeopardizing safety. It could also save you or your child struggles with irritability, oppositional behaviors, poor concentration, and low academic achievement if the sleep disorder is corrected. This screening tool is free of charge and will provide you with a comprehensive, confidential report that will give you information to share with your healthcare provider. Inventories are available for children, teens, and adults; resources for care can be found in the Foundation Directory.

Airway and Sleep


Take Your Sleep Inventory Now

The Foundation thanks Marsha Luginbuehl, PhD and Child Uplift, Inc. for the creation of this survey and supporting airway health for all.


To begin, enter your name and email address below. Instructions and a link to the screening tool will be emailed to the address you enter below:


You can make an impact today by making a donation to support the Foundation.


2 Executive Boulevard, Suite 206

Suffern, New York 10901
For all inquiries, please call: (845) 570-1979

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A 501(c)(3) organization | IRS EIN 84-3184781


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Foundation for Airway Health, 2 Executive Boulevard. Suite 206  |  Suffern, New York 10901  (845) 570-1979  | : 

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