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Airway Success Stories


This is a story that all parents need to see. The answer may be right in front of you.


Finding Connor Deegan from Media Consulting Services

Read more in Chicago Parent Magazine. 

LISA: 17 Years with Neck Pain...

I suffered neck pain for about 17 years before accidentally landing in the office of a dentist who figured it out. I was not able to sleep and had developed migraines too. READ MORE

BECKY: My Tiny Airway

I had lost hope of living life without pain. My awareness that I had an airway problem started in the office of a heart specialist six years ago.  READ MORE

GEORGE: How My Dentist Saved My Thyroid, My Life, and My Marriage

I thought I was worn out because of my challenging daily routines and lack of rest. We have triplets; two of them are on the autistic spectrum, and my son has a form of cerebral palsy. I’m 44 years old and the proud father of these extraordinary children... READ MORE

BARBARA: Issues Since Birth

My airway story started in 1941 when I was delivered by forceps. My mother labored for five days because the doctor did not want to do a C-section. That decision - made by a town family doctor subbing for our physician who was called to WWII – set me on a path of life-long pain... READ MORE

MARISSA: I Never Knew I Had An Airway Health Issue

I never knew I had an "airway health" issue. I never even heard of airway health. What I knew was that I was "hypothyroid." I knew that my heart was racing crazily off and on for 40 years. My life was exciting in many ways, but I didn't have the energy to fully enjoy it... READ MORE

ELISA: The Dentist Who Made Me Walk

My health history is so complicated, I actually don’t understand it all myself. But one thing I can say for sure is that if I hadn’t happened upon an airway dentist, I might not be walking now. You read that right: the dentist helped me walk again... READ MORE

TOM: Teeth Grinding, Dark Circles, and Daytime Fatigue

It was just the luck of the draw that my dentist, whom I've been seeing for two years, happens to be an airway dentist too, meaning he has made a pledge to make sure nothing he does will compromise the breathing pathways of his patients and to optimize the airway while treating... READ MORE

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Foundation for Airway Health, 2 Executive Boulevard. Suite 206  |  Suffern, New York 10901  (845) 570-1979  | : 

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